
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The jobs listing sites

The list (on the left) keep growing and growing, and I know most of them simply refer to each-other, but it would be a hard slog to find out which ones do this in order to make themselves appear legit.

Probably all of them just collect and sell user information, although it doesn't do them much good knowing that most of the users are unemployed anyway, so the data would be risky to any prospective buyer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I'm looking for a day job.

I'm in a pretty good position right now so I can take my time to look for a better job, which I'm sad to say is not the same for most people around here.

There is a lot of anger and frustration. I can see it in other peoples faces as well as their driving habits. Most people tend to follow too close and drive too fast and recklessly around here.

Having been in Seattle for the last four years with at least ten times the amount of traffic, I was surprised at how kind other drivers were.

They kept at least a car and a half distance in front of them at all times, everyone assumes that someone will need to merge into their lane close in front of them, so instead of leaning on the horn and yelling at a driver who merges in front of them, they just slow down and don't care, because everyone needs to get somewhere.

Now back to JOBS!

When you use sites like Monster, or other jobs websites, do you notice that they always find exactly the job you're looking for but it's hundreds if not thousands of miles away?

Did you actually move to that area only to find that the job either did not exist or was filled long before you applied?

Did you then go online to the jobs site to look again, only to find your dream job again, but this time it's all the way on the other side of the continent, again?

Maybe jobs are just jobs. Maybe we need to decide which is more valuable, the community or the job. Helping a community sustain itself requires sacrifice, and every job that helps sustain a community deserves every bit as much respect as every other profession. So take a job that helps sustain your community and spread respect.